Saturday, March 29, 2008

What a Spectacle!

We're very happy that the blog has been a hit with you all so far.

Current status: Feeling a little ill once or twice a day, but usually if I eat something I feel better. Tomorrow makes 12 weeks and the baby will be the size of a lime.

Picture time!

Here are mommy and daddy, with their brand new glasses (thus the title of this post):

Next is Don, preparing for his first ride of the season. Mom and The Lime have to stay home.

One more, for the ladies. Check out how tough the future papa was last month when we were in New York City:

Yeah, that's my man. :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First OB Visit

This morning we went to see the doctor for our first OB visit. Our primary doc is on maternity leave, so we met Dr. Wesley today instead. She'll see us for the first few visits until Dr. Noll is back.

Mostly we just answered lots of medical history questions, a surprising number of which were about tuberculosis, which fortunately neither of us have ever had. Then came the standard physical part, which, though unpleasant as usual, ended with the doc saying, "Everything looks just perfect!" which was encouraging to say the least.

Then came the best part. She took out a little walkman looking thing with a wand attached, and after a few seconds of rolling it around my lower abdomen, we started to hear a strong, thumpy little beat. "Sounds just right," said Dr. Wesley, and I couldn't have agreed more.

So, we're having a baby! Feel free to tell anyone you've been waiting to tell. I told my boss and my team lead today, and will probably tell the rest of my team sometime this week.

We're planning to keep this blog updated, and don't worry, there will be photos to come. As I told Grama on Sunday, my belly is just now starting to look like a baby belly and less like a fat belly.

Time to finish making dinner - baby and mommy are hungry!